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5 Valuable investments for new photographers

The best things to buy when starting out

Mon 20 Jul 2020
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When you are just starting out in photography, one of the first hurdles you will have to jump is startup cost. Photography can be an expensive hobby (or career for that matter). But if you take the time to do your research and choose your investments wisely, the cost can stay low while the learning, skills and value begin to surge.

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Here are our 5 recommendations for valuable investments for new photographers:

1. Camera Body

Obviously, the first thing you need to begin your photography journey is a camera. That’s a no brainer. But if you want to really dig deep and grow your skills quickly, you will need a body that can keep up and grow with you. We recommend starting with either a DSLR or Mirrorless camera – and knowing the difference. These cameras are much more advanced than a point-and-shoot and will allow for interchangeable lenses, giving you a wide array of options in regards to focal length and quality! Here are a few of our favorite entry level cameras for you to consider and research: Canon Rebel SL3 /250D, Nikon D3500, Fujifilm X-T200, Sony a600, and Pentax K-70.

2. Lens

Lenses will quickly become one of your favorite topic to discuss as a new photographer. While your camera body is essential, your lenses will start to define your style and eye. If you are just starting out, but know you want to get serious quick, skip the kit lens and go straight to the nifty fifty. Versatile and affordable, this lens is a must. The “nifty fifty” is a playful name for a 50mm f/1.8 lens. This is a prime lens, meaning it cannot zoom but compared to a kit lens, a prime lens will be much sharper. Most often, kit lenses have an aperture of around f/3.5, while the nifty fifty has an aperture of f/1.8 which will allow for more light and for those beautiful blurry backgrounds that every newbie craves.

3. Editing software & presets

Editing is what will begin to take your photography to the next level. Many professional photographers are identified by their editing style. The more advanced you become in your photography, the more often you will hear people say, “oh, you can photoshop that out right?” Everyone thinks photographers use Photoshop. Period. While we love Photoshop and recommend checking it out, Lightroom is typically the best editing software for new photographers because it is user friendly and still high quality. We also recommend checking out presets. Presets are used inside Lightroom and are similar to what you would consider a “filter” on Instagram or other editing apps. Presets tweak your colors, contrast, and overall style and tone. So, as you grow, you will decide which presets work best for you and what your “style” of editing is. Check out the Flora Pack and Unscripted presets for inspiration.

4. Education

Education is so important on your photography journey. If you aren’t growing and getting better, your work will become boring and stagnant so it is vital to find educational opportunities to get you out of your comfort zone and keep you inspired. We recommend joining us at Unraveled Academy. Unraveled Academy is the first all-inclusive monthly membership academy for photographers. Meaning, you get access to hundreds of courses, lessons and videos for only $15.00 a month. With new content released monthly, this is a great way to continuously learn new techniques and stay inspired. Plus, some of today’s top professional photographers teach, mingle and answer questions at Unraveled! Want to be the best? Learn from (and surround yourself with) the best! Enrol in Unraveled Academy. Or checkout the free education section in your Unscripted App.

5. Community

We believe that education and community should go hand-in-hand. If you can find an educational platform that also has a rocking and inspiring community, like Unraveled Academy, then you have hit the jackpot as far as potential for growth. Unraveled Academy has a members-only Facebook group where experts go live during shoots and answer questions. Inside this group, you are able to ask questions, connect with other local photographers, submit to contests, get featured, and receive constructive criticism on your work. Unscripted also has a wonderful Facebook group for users to join and discuss posing and photography tips. No matter what, do yourself a favor and find a community that can support you and lift you up. It is the best way to soak up knowledge and stay inspired! Join the Unraveled community and the Unscripted Facebook Group

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What gear do I need to start a photography business?

A camera body, professional lenses and editing software.

What lenses does a new photographer need?

For portrait and wedding photography, the most popular lenses are 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm.

Should I buy a mirrorless camera or a DSLR?

If you want a cheaper option, wider range of lenses, longer battery life, and better low-light shooting conditions, stick with DSLR. If you want a lighter camera body, better video quality, and faster autofocus, buy a mirrorless.