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Grow your photography business: From newbie photographer to booked out within a year

Robyn Dawn is a fan of elopements.

Thu 03 Sep 2020
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Image: @robyndawnphotos

How to grow your photography business

A big love can be the adventure of a lifetime, but big weddings can be heavy with expectations that outshine the reason why two people would choose to get married in the first place. Robyn Dawn is a fan of elopements. Guiding couples through the entire planning process, she brings to life adventurous and meaning-filled weddings and captures memories of love stories that make your heart explode. Here we sit down with her to talk about her rapid rise to success and how finding herself again at the end of a relationship triggered a chain reaction that led her to her passion.

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Image: @robyndawnphotos

Q1: Tell us how you got to where you are today. What are your top tips on growing a successful photography business so quickly?

Growing up I was very passionate about documenting my experiences. I was the friend you could count on for a photograph of whatever memory you’re looking for. As phones developed to have cameras I always felt the need to have the latest and greatest to up my picture game--I wanted to take the best photos I could as my travels got more adventurous. Three years ago I found myself at the end of a relationship and couldn’t figure out what I had for myself that wasn’t connected to him. Unable to come up with an answer, I created one for myself. I decided I was going to take photography more seriously, purchase a DSLR, and hop online to start learning. I started with YouTube and Instagram, finding seasoned photographers who offered free education. I then began offering free sessions to friends so I could practice manual mode. It wasn’t long before I had people asking how much I charged. I wasn’t planning on starting a business but the demand was there so I jumped at the opportunity. My first tip to grow a successful business quickly is to get your hands on all the education you can. There are so many free resources out there! Secondly, get experience and shoot as often as possible. Use your friends as models and photograph them in different lighting situations so you can get comfortable with your equipment. Lastly, figure out what your mission/brand is and start living that out through your social media. Hiring a photographer is an emotional experience. If you can express why you are the best fit for your clients, they won’t feel the need to go to a cheaper photographer with a similar style.

Q2: What education did you invest in along the way?

While I was scouring the web for all the free education I could find, I stumbled across Cultivate Workshop. It seemed like the perfect blend of teaching, shooting, and networking. I decided to dive in head first and sign up! I attended the workshop only 5 months after purchasing my first camera. I had been paid for only a few shoots and had one (free) wedding scheduled. I was intimidated to be with photographers who were all further along than me but immersing myself in that way turned out to be so good for me. I learned so much about business, shooting techniques, and even made some forever friends. Since then I’ve been to two more workshops, purchased multiple PDF guides as well as templates for marketing material. Photography education is ample right now. Whatever topic you are struggling with, I am almost certain you can find a photographer who has made a guide on it!

Q3: What gear did you start with and what do you use now?

My first camera was a crop sensor Canon 7D with a little nifty 50 lens. I have since upgraded to two Canon 5D Mark IV’s with a 24-70mm 2.8 zoom lens on one and a 50mm 1.2 prime lens on the other. I carry them on my Rose Anvil harness, which I love so much. For late nights I use a Canon 430EX III-RT flash. A few accessories I bring to shoots are my JBL clip Bluetooth speaker, a prism to play with light, and my water casing just in case the opportunity presents itself to photograph underwater! I also have a tripod for travelling selfies, LaCie hard drives to store all my photos, and a MacBook Pro for editing. I pack all of this into my WNDRD backpack (which is the best gear bag in my opinion).

Image: @robyndawnphotos
Image: @robyndawnphotos

Q4: How did you book your first session? What are your top tips for those struggling to know where to start?

I booked my first session after someone who followed me on Instagram noticed that I had started taking photos of other couples and asked how much I charged. I specifically remember the feeling after opening that DM. Someone wanted to pay me for what I loved doing, it was so exciting and motivating to continue learning and growing and crafting my skill. For those struggling to know where to start, just get out there and shoot. It will help you know what questions you have about settings, lighting, posing, etc. and then you can bring those questions to a mentor session with a photographer you admire. Once you feel a little more comfortable with your camera, find a workshop that speaks to you. There are so many options and it’s a great place to learn about basic business strategies specific to your industry. But most of all, don’t let fear stop you! There will always be failure, but that’s how we learn and learning is necessary to keep your business growing.

Q5: How did you promote yourself in your local area and what marketing techniques helped you do this?

The best way I’ve found to promote myself locally is to post about the sessions I do on my Instagram stories and tag my location. The same goes for regular posts. I also use relevant hashtags that include my location. Another great marketing tool has been asking my clients for reviews and referrals. So many people come to me and say a friend of theirs sent them my way. I know you can promote posts on Instagram and use Facebooks ads, but I personally have never paid for advertising. I make sure my clients are posting their reviews on Google and Facebook and ask them to tag me in the pictures they post from our sessions. This is all free marketing!

Robyn arrived at photography organically and allowed herself to ride the momentum and take opportunities that were thrown her way. She encourages you to get your hands on all the education you can, use your friends as models, learn from experience (just get out there and shoot!), and be resourceful because the world wide internet is rich with information! From someone who bravely built herself up to be in the position she is today, trust that you have what it takes to get there too.

Image: @robyndawnphotos
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What are the first steps to grow my photography business?

Start by defining your niche, building a strong portfolio, and creating an online presence with a professional website and social media profiles.

How can I attract more clients to expand my photography business?

Focus on marketing and advertising, offering promotions or referral incentives, and engaging with your audience through content and social media.

What strategies can I use to retain existing clients and encourage repeat business?

Provide exceptional customer service, maintain communication with past clients, and offer loyalty programs or special discounts for return clients.

How can I scale my photography business over time?

Consider hiring additional photographers or assistants, expanding your service offerings, and targeting new markets or geographic areas to achieve business growth.