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How to make a stunning photography portfolio

Our top tips to make your portfolio pop

Wed 21 Jun 2023
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Attention all photographers!

If you’re working to grow your photography business and attract more clients, creating and maintaining a dreamy portfolio is a must! And we’re not just talking about keeping it current, either – your portfolio needs to showcase your skills and style, with diverse shots in a range of locations, fresh poses – the works.

Whether you’re creating your first portfolio ever(!) or working on a much-needed update, keep reading for our best tips on how to make that portfolio pop (and where to show it off when you’re done!)

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Creating a diverse portfolio

Whether you’re a wedding photographer or just starting out, make sure you have a wide range of images to add to your online portfolio. This means experimenting with different subjects, venturing off to various locations and shooting in a range of styles. Here are some things to keep in mind as you build your diverse photography portfolio.

Creative shoots with like-minded individuals

If you want to grow creatively, collaboration is key! Reach out to other photographers in your network or head to the Unscripted App’s Collab Board to find collaborators, models and more.

It’s not only a great opportunity to test out styles and shots you’ve never tried before, but they can also give you feedback on your current portfolio and ways to make it even better!

Try new poses with different subjects

One of our must-follow professional photography tips: your portfolio should always showcase your versatility and creativity. And the best way to make that happen is with photos of different subjects in a wide range of poses!

If you’re noticing that a lot of your photos seem to showcase the same pose or movement, head to the Unscripted app to freshen up your repertoire! The app is constantly updated with poses and prompts for couples, families, individuals and more, so you’ll never run out of posing ideas and new prompts to try.


Shoot in different locations

Wanna show off a desert-vibes engagement shoot or a family session from the city? Include both!

Showcasing your skills in different locations is also a smart way to give potential clients an idea of what to expect when they book with you!

And professional photography tips aside, as you’re on-location, be sure to follow the Leave No Trace rule. It’s kind to the environment and it’s also good karma!

Where to post your portfolio

You’ve created a stunning photography portfolio and now it’s time to share it with the world! Here’s a quick rundown of where it needs to be as soon as it’s live and ready to go.

Social media

If you’re aiming to attract new clients, your social media profiles should always showcase your current work!

Curate your posts to highlight different styles and locations, and post regularly. To save you time, the Unscripted App even offers customizable social media templates and an easy booking link for potential clients!

Your website

Keeping things current on social media is always a smart move, but it’s also crucial to list your services and showcase your work on your website. Good news: you don’t have to spend tons of time and money on getting one designed! Use the Unscripted App to create your own website, complete with your branding. This also adds your page to the directory, so you can attract your dream clients.

Curated galleries

So you’ve posted your portfolio on your socials and your website – now what? Another smart place to share your work: curated galleries! If you have tons of different types of photo styles to share with your audience, sharing it on curated galleries allows you to split up your shoots to reach your target audience.

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What is a photo portfolio?

A photography portfolio is a collection of work that illustrates who you are as a photographer. A portfolio website takes this a step further and allows photographers to put their best work on full display for the world to see.

What should you include in a photography portfolio?

Your portfolio should convey your style, and what type of work you do. A portfolio could be printed or online, or even both, but should also include only your best work.

How many photos should be in a photography portfolio?

Aim for 10-15 photos for each type of work. It's okay to have a few more or a few less. But you shouldn't overwhelm or bore potential clients.

How do I create a cohesive photography portfolio?

First, decide on your audience. Think about what you’re trying to convey and your image sequence. Then, edit ruthlessly, keep it current and get outside opinions!

How do you structure a photography portfolio?

After you’ve selected the work that best represents you, build a compelling narrative and provide context to each shot. What should the client know about your work?