Have you ever arrived to a photoshoot and your couple is wearing t-shirts with huge logos or bright colors that totally clash with the surroundings? Has it ever made editing even harder?! We’ve all been there!
We've created this beautiful client guide for you because being in a back and forth email thread for days about outfits is robbing you of precious time.
Use this guide as is, or become a Pro app user & gain access to our editable template and add your own flavour, images, and branding (not to mention all of our other features like client questionnaires, email templates, and thousands of poses and prompts for every kind of session)!
This guide will make communicating with your clients before a shoot easier, result in less distracting, more aesthetically pleasing tones in your photos, and make your clients feel even more confident in front of the camera!
Here’s a snippet of the first few tips your clients will find in this guide….

Tell them to be comfy!
It’s normal for people to want to shop for new, sparkly, fabulous clothes to wear to a photoshoot. And that’s totally fine if that’s your jam and you’re comfortable with that. But usually the best route is to go with something that’s tried and true.
Get them to wear seasonally appropriate outfit choices
I mean, it would look a little strange to see someone in a fancy ball gown in their living room… it’s kinda prom-ey. A sundress in a snowy field? Confusing--and cold! Encourage your clients to plan their outfits around what they know the conditions will be.
Bring options!
If your clients can express themselves in a variety of ways, you’ve got a better chance at capturing their true selves.
Let them lead with personality
If they’re in a heavy metal band and want to smash some things and scream at the sky, meet them in their best concert blacks. If they’re a drama kid at heart and live for the spotlight, help them turn their front porch into a stage! You want each shoot to center each individual sparkly personality.
Check the guide!
For tips on how to incorporate texture and movement, how to avoid clashy patterns and prints, colour schemes that always work, a bit on colour theory (and why knowing it will help your photos POP), and a ton more tips that are sure to make your photos look professional as hell, check out the guide!
It’s super helpful for you as a photographer to know how to style your clients, and this can be a bit of a balancing act sometimes. But with our super comprehensive What to Wear Guide, there’ll be no more cringe-worthy outfits, no more matchy-matchy families, and no more uncomfortable conversations. Just download the ready made guide, forward to your clients, and get ready to capture authenticity at its finest. Or make it your own and customize the guide with your own logo and images. (Pro users will find this editable template in their app)

Open the Unscripted App to download the FREE ready made guide.
Find the editable template in your app under the Education & Resources button (For pro users only).

lead your photography
sessions with confidence.

Why is what you wear for a photo session so important?
What are some general guidelines for selecting outfits for a photo session?
How can I ensure that my clients outfit complements the photography session's style and setting?
Are there any specific clothing items or colors that work best for certain types of photo sessions?