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How to become a successful photographer

Stop waiting

Thu 17 Dec 2020
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Written by Twyla Jones

Have you ever wondered what it takes to establish and run a successful photography business? My experience tells me that in order to be wildly successful, you must take chances and you must take them often!

I had a full time job and two children under two when I first started photography. There was zero “free time.”

Yes, it was a little intense and I was very intimidated. I felt like I didn’t have time to pick up any hobby, but I knew I enjoyed taking photos. My friends and family started noticing I had an eye – they saw the spark of something in me and encouraged me to do it. Without that push, I really don’t know if I could have taken myself seriously.

I had so much doubt.

I knew nothing.

Don’t you have to go to school for photography?

Isn’t it super expensive?

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Yet it was the push from my loved ones that convinced me to finally go for it and see what would happen. I didn’t put a lot of pressure on myself and took the creative freedom to mess up, which is how we learn best. I just kept trying and failing forward.

While I was on my journey, there was one major aha moment I had that shifted my photography passion from a hobby to a full fledged career. I was finding inspiration from other photographers and feeling intimidated by how absolutely amazing their work was. It felt unreachable. Then one day, I realized I had the exact same tools as these photographers I loved.

I had the same camera.

We were both editing in Lightroom.

I had access.

This shifted something in me and boosted my confidence. We all were humans creating with the same things. If one human could do it, I could also do it. Of course people have natural talents, but there’s something to be said about working hard to get to where you want to be.

Choosing to pick up my camera was only the beginning of leaping before I was ready. When pursuing life as a creative entrepreneur, your life is going to be full of moving into the next new project.

I have found the most success in my career by simply not waiting. Don’t wait for the perfect moment or a time when you’re less busy to pursue all those inspired ideas in your mind. Inspiration doesn’t wait and if you don’t take immediate action to turn it into YOUR reality the moment will pass you by. There is no better time than now to create what is calling to you.

When I was first getting my start in photography I did something really powerful that changed the trajectory of my career. We decided to move from Kansas to Florida and I immediately felt like part of myself was dying! There were SO many places I had always wanted to photograph. I never used them because I was playing it safe with my client sessions every single time. Of course, playing it safe means predictable. I could produce predictable, consistent nice work but I didn’t find it very compelling.

When I started taking more risks and going to these new places at all different times of day and making my subjects wear the clothing I wanted them to wear to fulfil my vision a huge shift happened and my work started getting noticed. Suddenly I was receiving messages from all over asking me to teach my methods!

Getting into education, I wasn’t sure if I was good enough or if I had all the answers. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to communicate clearly or get real tangible results for other people. I was left with a decision – would I go for it and possibly risk failing on a small scale or was I going to wait until I had arrived? Spoiler alert: you never arrive and I’m forever thankful I tiptoed into the world of teaching.

After all these experiences, I can narrow it down to three tips for leaping before you’re ready:

  1. Don’t tell yourself you’re getting there faster just by researching. I’m guilty of this too! From youtube tutorials to online courses to books to podcasts, there is so much to learn, but you can’t let it trick you into inaction. You get all this knowledge, but without applying it, it gets lost. You can’t curate what you really need to know until you start.
  2. Make the time. Look at your days – if there isn’t an hour somewhere, you’re going to have to find the time to fit it in, even if it’s free time.
  3. You won’t be good until you start. Be okay sucking. You’ll suck a little less every single day. You have to be willing to suck in order to try and get better and learn from your mistakes. It’s a very rare thing for anyone to pick up anything and be instantly amazing. This doesn’t mean you aren’t talented, you have to start and pay your dues and discover how amazing you are along the way.

The world needs your special talents and all the creativity in your head – it’s your job to bring it into reality. Art is our gift to others. Push past the fear of what people might think or what might happen in the future. Start creating today. Make one more move today.

You have what it takes.

For more inspiration from Twyla Jones follow her photography Instagram account. If you're interested in learning from this truly talented photographer, check out Twyla's resources on emotionalstorytelling.com

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The best way to do that is to
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sessions with confidence.


How can I boost my confidence as a photographer?

To boost confidence, practice regularly, seek feedback, study successful photographers, and celebrate your progress.

What should I do if I doubt my photography skills?

Remember that doubt is normal. Push through by focusing on your strengths, setting achievable goals, and learning from your mistakes.

Can photography classes or workshops help increase confidence?

Absolutely. Enrolling in photography courses or workshops can provide valuable knowledge and support, which can lead to increased confidence.

How can I overcome the fear of judgment from others when sharing my photos?

Gradually build confidence by sharing your work with a supportive community, receiving constructive criticism, and recognizing that everyone has room to grow in photography.