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A photography style guide for clients

The ins and outs of styled photo sessions

Wed 22 Jul 2020
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Interview with Style And Select

Gone are the days of family portraits in matching outfits, and we are thanking our lucky stars for that. But what happens when your clients turn up in something that makes your job tremendously more difficult? As much as we know that true beauty lies on the inside, having beautifully styled people in front of your lens makes things a hell of a lot easier for you. We chatted with the lovely style queens at Style & Select about the ins and outs of styled photo sessions and how to avoid some of the most common mistakes photographers make when chatting fashion with their clients.

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How did style and select come about?

We knew that our clients needed and wanted the help in regard to styling because a majority of them did not know what would look good in photos or what styles/colors would photograph in a flattering way. A photographer sending a 10 page style guide PDF or a long email of do's and dont's was not helpful to them in the way we wanted and, to be frank, no one ever sat down to read through everything. In today's world - it's all about visuals and customization. We resorted to hand styling our clients which means we would spend hours searching different retailers, photoshopping "Style boards" together and compiling links into emails to give our clients ease of mind. After seeing loads of photographers express the same frustration about client wardrobe choices we decided to take what we were personally doing for our clients and turn it into a functioning service/tool for all photographers to utilize.

Talk us through the main functionality of style & select?

The old school way of coordinating outfits meant several trips to the mall and online orders to try and piece things together on the floor or bed. Then realizing that clothing item A clashes with clothing item B, and clothing item C is the totally wrong color. Back to the mall we go! The main goal of our site is to provide outfit choices specifically meeting the needs of that particular family size, color scheme and style of clothing that are photo approved. The functionality of our tool allows clients and photographers to fill out a questionnaire that yields immediate and custom results with a small variety of options for clients to coordinate outfits before purchasing the clothing items. It provides photos, price and direct shopping links for the items they've selected. They can purchase everything, only purchase a few main items, or just use it as a guide when grabbing things from their own closets. It's a huge time saver and stress reducer!

What are your top tips of preparing a client for a photoshoot?

There are three things we tell clients about styling: photo sessions are an event and should be dressed as such, compliment (don't match) each other, and have fun with it! In the past we would hear clients say, "We just want to be casual, we are simple when it comes to style" etc. and we totally understand that sentiment and we want clients to feel comfortable, but you can look and feel comfortable while rocking a flattering maxi dress, striped button up and cotton henley tee. Clients get invited to weddings and dress the part because it is a nice event - photo sessions need to be looked at in the same regard. It is a special day and outfits, no matter what the style, are a big part of that. If a client's style is a little on the vintage side then, great! Let's roll with that vibe and make the entire family ensemble next-level retro! It's all about having fun with the outfits and accessories.

What are the most common mistakes you find clients and photographers make when selecting outfits for a photoshoot?

The most common mistake we see is dressing casual. Clients dressing like they are going to dinner at Olive Garden is a slight disappointment. The other mistake we see is matching outfits - everyone wearing the same shade of blue and white. If blue and white is the color scheme they want to go with we always try and mix in shades of blue, white patterns, and neutral textures. Lastly, another common mistake we see are loose fitting dresses or shirts for women. Women think, "the baggier the better" but, that can't be further from the truth! ALWAYS wear something that is shape defining - shirts that have a tapered waist or flexible fabric and dresses that are cinched at the waist or throw on a belt.

What are your biggest do's and don'ts when it comes to styling for a photoshoot?

The list of Dont's is actually pretty small! Don't wear sporty tennis shoes, large logos, neon colors or baggy clothes and do not try to match everyone in the session. The Do list can be pretty long, but that is because there are SO many options that are photo approved and make clients look fantastic in photos. Do wear complimentary color tones, mix and match patterns with solids (example 1 pattern for every 2 solids), males should wear colored slacks or dark wash jeans, little girls and infants should wear bloomers under dresses, and pick accessories that tie everything together.

How can Style & Select assist photographers and clients when overcoming the don'ts listed above?

Photographer members of Style & Select don't have to worry about the list of Dont's. We take care of that for all of our members. Our results are carefully curated and everything we add into the results are items that would work well in a photo session. It is a living, breathing website that is updated daily and changes with the seasons to ensure the best styles and items are displayed in the results.

When you start computing the list of do’s and don’ts of the styling world, it can all get a bit overwhelming. You don’t have to be fancy to look nice, you can still be your down-to-earth, casual self and still ooze style. Want to see how the professionals do it? Head on over to Style & Select to see how they work with complementary color tones, patterns, and styles to bring out the best sides of everyone.

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What is a styled photo session, and how does it differ from a regular photo session?

A styled photo session is a carefully planned and creatively designed photoshoot that goes beyond a standard session. It often involves unique themes, props, wardrobe choices, and specific settings to create a cohesive and visually stunning visual story. The goal is to produce artful and editorial-style images that stand out.

How do styled photo sessions benefit photographers and their portfolios?

Styled sessions offer photographers the opportunity to expand their portfolios with captivating and eye-catching images. These sessions can showcase a photographer's versatility, creativity, and attention to detail, attracting clients who appreciate artistic and distinctive photography.

Where can photographers find inspiration for styled photo sessions?

Inspiration for styled sessions can be found in various places, including fashion magazines, art, nature, current trends, and even personal experiences. Online platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are rich sources of inspiration. Collaborating with stylists, makeup artists, and designers can also provide fresh ideas.

How can photographers collaborate with other professionals to execute a styled photo session successfully?

Collaborative efforts are essential for styled sessions. Photographers can partner with makeup artists, hairstylists, wardrobe stylists, and models to ensure every aspect of the shoot aligns with the chosen theme. Effective communication and planning are key to a successful collaboration.

What are some common themes for styled photo sessions, and can photographers tailor them to their unique style?

Styled sessions can encompass a wide range of themes, such as vintage, boho, fairy tale, and urban chic, among others. Photographers can personalize these themes to reflect their unique style and artistic vision, resulting in distinctive and memorable photographs.