The best way to do that is to lead your photography sessions with confidence. Knowing a good flow of poses and prompts will ensure you’re able to do that. Today, we’re going to give you some specific guidance on how to use poses and prompts for couples so that next time you get booked for a wedding, engagement, elopement, or couple’s session, you’ll have all the tricks in the bag.
If at any stage you get stuck, pull out your phone and get your clients’ involved. Show them what you’d like them to do instead of saying it. The Unscripted App is amazing for bridging that communication gap between you, as the photographer, and your clients. Giving them the right prompts at the right time will help you capture some incredible moments that feel genuine, beautiful, and authentic.
But let’s get real first: the first few moments of the photoshoot are going to be a little bit awkward! Don’t be upset if the photographs you take during this time aren’t your best work. It’s totally normal for people to feel nervous and take a little while to get used to your camera. The best way to approach a photoshoot is to start with some fun, easy, poses and prompts that function as icebreakers to get everyone in the mood. Then, you can bring in the big energy poses and prompts. Piggy backing, spinning, dancing, twirling, anything with lots of movement! Once everyone’s feeling all loosey goosey, it’s time to dive right into the raw, emotive heart of it all. That’s where the intimate poses come in. These are soft, sweet, and sure to tug on the ‘ol heartstrings.
Here’s a sweet and easy flow to get you started so you can get out there and start capturing some really incredible couple portraits that are sure to wow you and your clients!
Icebreaker poses

One partner lead the other over
Now reverse roles and keep looking back at your partner.

Stand behind your partner, hold hands, and raise your arms up and down – like you’re flying away together.
If you could be any type of bird, what would you choose to be and why?

Place objects over your faces as you stand facing me.
Pretend to be camera shy – hide from the camera!

text in boldSit on your partner’s shoulders and try to lean down for a kiss.
Bounce the person on top up and down as they try to kiss you!

Link hands and spin each other around.
See who can spin around the quickest without falling down!

Push your partner while they have both feet on the skateboard!
Imagine you are both kids having the best time ever. Now yell, “Best day ever!”
Intimate poses

One partner sit up on the fence, lean in and bring the other close to you in between your legs.
Draw shapes with your nose on your partners chin and try to guess what it is.

Lay head to head, facing opposite directions. Now, place your outside arm around your partner’s face and your hand on their chin.
Change your expressions every three seconds, like models do.

Wrap a blanket around yourselves and snuggle in.
Snuffle into your partner’s ear like a puppy.
Our fave pose right now

Sit on a chair, and have your partner rest their hand on your shoulder. Reach up and grab the hand they’ve placed on your shoulder.
If there was one moment you could return to in your love story, to experience it again, what would it be?
We’re sure that after you’ve photographed a few couples’ sessions, you’ll have a good go-to posing and prompting flow of your own to bust out. But while you’re still figuring it out and building your confidence on shoot, just remember that the more you do it, the better you’ll get. Just keep practising your photography posing and you’ll be capturing some beautiful, authentic, emotive portraits in no time! While you’re doing that, these posing flows are an amazing place to start.
These poses and prompts are the answer to you and your clients feeling more comfortable on shoot. Plus, you’ll get the beautiful, natural photographs they’ll look back on for years to come.
For infinite inspiration in your back pocket, check out the Unscripted App where you can access all of these, and thousands more! Tried and tested by our inclusive community of aspiring and professional photographers. Join over 400,000 photographers who have turned their hobby into a dream business.

lead your photography
sessions with confidence.

How can I make my clients feel comfortable during the initial moments of a photoshoot, which can often feel awkward?
What are some examples of icebreaker poses and prompts that work well for couples?
What are energetic poses and prompts to capture dynamic moments in couples' photo sessions?
What are intimate poses and prompts that help create heartfelt and emotional moments in couple portraits?