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Why photographers need this client photo gallery

The work doesn’t end when we put our cameras down

Tue 25 Apr 2023
Download unscripted & grow your biz

As photographers, we know all too well that the work doesn’t end when we put our cameras down after a session.

After the photoshoot, we spend hours in Lightroom making sure every preset has been applied just right, the skin tones are glowing, and the colors are balanced correctly. Then, usually, we upload our photos to a file transfer service or a hard drive and cross our fingers that our clients loved them. Our clients will click through them, and no doubt be impressed by the way you capture the moment, but the experience that they’re having is a little bit unremarkable.

If you want to make sure your photos have an impact at delivery – when it matters the most – you’ll want to invest in a streamlined, well-designed gallery service that’s easy to use and pretty to look at.

Download the Unscripted App for free and get access to endless posing inspo, biz tools, galleries and so much more!

The goal is to do our images justice and to make our clients cry – in a good way.

You’ve probably already figured out that sending large image files via email isn’t the most sustainable or professional route to take. And who even uses USBs and DVDs anymore? Although file hosting services like Dropbox are fast and have the storage capacity to contain all your sessions since 2009, they’re often a little clunky and frustrating to use.

Fortunately for you, there are lots of great options out there for photographers who want to wow their clients and grow their business.

1. Suitable for all photographers

Unscripted’s online photo gallery is completely free to sign up and it allows you to securely send your photo galleries to clients in style. Boasting seven different templates to suit your design preferences, you know you can be confident that you’re presenting your work the way it deserves, while staying true to your brand.

2. Make things as easy as posssible for your clients.

We live in a digital age and your clients expect you to keep up with the times. Using Unscripted’s online photo gallery allows your clients the capacity to instantly digitally download and share their chosen pics the way they want with the people they love without the hassle of having to wait for a USB in the mail.

3. Get the feedback you need to take better photos

If you ever find yourself wondering which photos your clients loved the most, you’ll adore Unscripted Gallery’s favorite feature. It allows you to keep on top of your clients’ most prized snaps, and start to understand what makes you such a good photographer.

Your new photography BFF

No matter where you’re at on your photography journey, Unscripted exists to help photographers just like you turn their passion into a dream business.

Our web platform has everything you need to streamline your workflow, book clients, manage your business, and deliver your photographs in the best possible way.

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The best way to do that is to
lead your photography
sessions with confidence.


Why watermark photos in a client gallery?

Some gallery delivery services offer this service to make sure your photos have protection against theft. Sign up for Unscripted Galleries and protect your creative property by selecting which images to watermark in the click of a button.

Can you make photos in a gallery private?

Generally, yes – most gallery delivery services offer this feature, and it’s essential that they do! With Unscripted Galleries, it’s easier than ever to confidently control who can access your galleries and enjoy secure and password-protected photo sharing.

Why should you use photo gallery templates?

Gallery templates help you wow your clients without having to spend all your time arranging and coding images so they have maximal impact. Unscripted App for Photographers has multiple templates to choose from to suit any photographer’s style.