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The Unscripted Blog

Take better photos, feel empowered and feed your brain.

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Master all lighting scenarios

Photography lighting guide

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5 tips to nail compositions in portrait photography
Looking to compose photos like a pro? These 5 tips will get you started!
Business, Education
How to collaborate with other photographers
Here’s all the tips and resources to grow your photo biz while making new friends in the industry!
Education, Marketing
Top photography questionnaire tips
Craft a powerful photography questionnaire that gets your clients every time
What is blue hour?
Here’s why you should stick around after the sun sets.
How to shoot manual photography
Bookmark these must-know camera settings for your next shoot.
What is golden hour?
Everything you need to know about golden hour, aka every photographer’s BFF.
Education, Business
How to start a photography business
Don’t worry – it’s not nearly as scary as you think!
Education, Business
4 Essential Elements of Your Photography Contract
FYI: your photography contract isn’t complete without them.
Business, Education
Top photography business tips
Your photography biz is about to be better than ever.
How to learn photography
Newbie photographers, start here!
Business, Education
How to make a stunning photography portfolio
Our top tips to make your portfolio pop
Education, Business
How to make money with photography
Turn your passion for photography into a thriving business!
Posing, Education
5 go-to poses for pet photography
Five poses to master for your best four-legged photo sessions yet.
Posing, Education, Prompts
What is photography prompting?
Say ‘see ya’ to stiff, awkward photos.
Posing, Education, Prompts
How to find endless photography prompts
Places to look for that much-needed spark for your next session.
Newborn, Posing, Education
Top 5 newborn posing ideas
Your next newborn photography session just got a lot cuter.
Education, Posing, Boudoir
5 boudoir photography poses to add to your repertoire
Go-to poses to help you rock your next boudoir session
Posing, Education
How to find endless posing ideas
Make prepping for shoots the best part of your job
Wedding photography posing inspo

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